Winging of the Scapula: Understanding the Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Scapular Winging

Winging of the Scapula: Understanding the Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Scapular Winging

Focused Health Topics
Contributed byAlexander Enabnit+2 moreJul 22, 2023


Winging of the scapula, also known as scapular winging, is a condition characterized by the abnormal protrusion or lateral movement of the scapula (shoulder blade) away from the back of the ribcage. This condition can result from various causes, including muscular weakness, nerve damage, or structural abnormalities. This comprehensive article aims to provide a thorough understanding of scapular winging, including its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options available for affected individuals.

Understanding Winging of the Scapula:

The scapula is a triangular bone that plays a crucial role in the movement and stability of the shoulder joint. In normal conditions, the scapula lies flat against the ribcage and moves smoothly during shoulder movements. However, in scapular winging, the scapula becomes abnormally prominent or sticks out from the back, affecting shoulder function and overall posture.

Causes and Risk Factors:

Scapular winging can be caused by various factors, including:

  • Muscular weakness: Weakness or dysfunction of the muscles that control scapular movement, such as the serratus anterior or trapezius muscles, can lead to scapular winging.
  • Nerve damage: Damage or compression of the long thoracic nerve or other nerves that innervate the scapular muscles can result in scapular winging.
  • Structural abnormalities: Rarely, structural abnormalities or bony deformities of the scapula itself can contribute to scapular winging.

Symptoms and Clinical Presentation:

The primary symptom of scapular winging is the noticeable protrusion or sticking out of the scapula, which can be observed during shoulder movements or at rest. Other common symptoms and signs include:

  • Shoulder weakness: Weakness or difficulty in performing shoulder movements, particularly those involving raising the arm or pushing against resistance.
  • Pain or discomfort: Some individuals may experience pain or discomfort in the shoulder or upper back region, especially with prolonged use or certain movements.
  • Altered shoulder mechanics: Scapular winging can affect shoulder mechanics, leading to abnormal shoulder blade movement and altered posture.
  • Limited shoulder range of motion: In some cases, scapular winging may be associated with limited shoulder range of motion, making certain movements challenging or painful.

Diagnosis and Evaluation:

Diagnosing scapular winging involves a comprehensive evaluation, including:

  • Medical history and physical examination: A thorough assessment of symptoms, medical history, and shoulder function is essential. During the physical examination, the healthcare provider may observe the positioning and movement of the scapula during various shoulder movements.
  • Muscle strength testing: Muscle strength testing, particularly of the muscles controlling scapular movement, helps assess muscle weakness or dysfunction.
  • Nerve examination: A neurological examination may be conducted to evaluate nerve function and identify any signs of nerve damage or compression.
  • Imaging studies: In some cases, imaging studies such as X-rays, CT scans, or MRI may be ordered to assess the bony structures and rule out any structural abnormalities or underlying pathology.

Treatment Options:

The treatment of scapular winging depends on the underlying cause and the severity of symptoms. Treatment options may include:

  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation: Physical therapy plays a crucial role in strengthening the scapular muscles, improving shoulder mechanics, and enhancing overall posture and shoulder function.
  • Bracing or orthotics: In certain cases, a specialized brace or orthotic device may be recommended to provide additional support and stability to the scapula, promoting proper alignment and function.
  • Medications and injections: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or corticosteroid injections may be used to manage pain and inflammation associated with scapular winging.
  • Surgical intervention: In severe cases of scapular winging that do not respond to conservative treatments, surgical intervention may be considered to address the underlying cause, such as nerve decompression or muscle transfer procedures.

Long-Term Management and Rehabilitation:

Long-term management of scapular winging focuses on maintaining optimal shoulder function, preventing recurrent symptoms, and minimizing the impact on daily activities. This often involves continued exercises and physical therapy to maintain muscle strength, posture correction, and regular follow-up with healthcare professionals to monitor progress and address any new concerns.


Scapular winging is a condition characterized by the abnormal protrusion or lateral movement of the scapula. By understanding its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options, healthcare professionals can provide appropriate care and guidance to individuals with scapular winging, optimizing their shoulder function and overall quality of life.

Hashtags: #ScapularWinging #WingingoftheScapula #ShoulderBladeProtrusion #ShoulderFunction

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