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Blue-Bellied Black Snake Bite

Brain & Nerve
Bone, Muscle, & Joint
Contributed byKrish Tangella MD, MBAAug 29, 2022

What are the other Names for this Condition? (Also known as/Synonyms)

  • Pseudechis Guttatus Snake Bite
  • Spotted Black Snake Bite

What is Blue-Bellied Black Snake Bite? (Definition/Background Information)

  • The blue-bellied black snake (Pseudechis guttatus) is a moderately venomous snake found in the states of New South Wales and Queensland, Australia. This large reptile belongs to the Elapidae family, which generally includes slender and swift moving snakes. This robust-bodied and moderately slender snake usually grows from 5 feet to over 6.5 feet in length
  • The snake has a relatively broad head with a blunt snout and medium-sized eyes; the head is almost indistinct from the neck and is always dark black. The snake has a medium-length tail. The body of the snake is glossy, and in many cases, uniformly black with blue-gray underbelly. Some specimens are occasionally pale gray to cream colored with black-edged scales, giving it a spotted appearance
  • The snake is found in a variety of landscapes, from grasslands to plains, in open drylands to river forests, woodlands, forest edges, and near watercourses, including wetlands, swamps, and flood plains. It tends to seek refuge inside deep soil crevices, sinkholes, animal burrows, and under fallen trees. The blue-bellied black snake preys on lizards, rodents, frogs, and other snakes. The reptile hunts during evenings and nights when the weather is hot; it prefers to hunt by daytime during winters
  • The snake has a generally placid disposition and contact with humans is uncommon. However, when disturbed, the snake typically displays adequate warning signs, hissing loudly and holding its flattened body in a coiled manner showing an intent to strike. On further provocation, the blue-bellied black snake can bite quickly and aggressively; it can also inject a large quantity of venom by holding on to its victim
  • Blue-Bellied Black Snake Bites can occasionally result in fatalities from systemic envenomation (venom injection through a bite), if the condition is left untreated, due to the presence of highly potent myotoxins and hemotoxins in the venom. The rate of envenoming is between 40-60% and significant symptoms may be noted including bleeding issues, shock, and kidney failure
  • The signs and symptoms of Blue-Bellied Black Snake Bite may include local pain and swelling at the bite site that is followed by headache, sweating, weakness, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, seizures, and dizziness. Severe widespread symptoms and complications may involve the muscular, cardiovascular, hematological (blood-related), and kidney and urinary systems
  • Early administration of suitable antivenom (or antivenin) is the mainstay of treatment. Apart from this, symptomatic treatment is necessary, which may include the use of vasopressor agents, wound care, blood transfusion, and peritoneal dialysis. The prognosis of Blue-Bellied Black Snake Bite with prompt and effective therapy is usually good; untreated death rates from snake bites are reported at less than 1%
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Krish Tangella MD, MBA

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